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An Xml File Contains Facilities for Easy Display

Function documentation XML Upload  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


You use the XML upload to transfer interchangeability groups (discontinuation data) in XML format from the legacy system to the SAP APO system.

You can upload an XML file in two ways:

Manual upload using report /INCMD/GROUP_CREATE_VIA_UPLOAD

Upload via background job using report /INCMD/GROUP_CREATE_VIA_BATCH

For more information about migration of discontinuation data, see SAP notes:

617281: Migration of discontinuation data from R/3 46C onwards

617283: Migration of discontinuation data from R/3 version below 46C


Your XML files must be correctly formatted and must adhere to the standard schema that is shipped along with the reports.

The XML file contains header data, header text data, item data, additional information, model assignment data, location data, and product combination data (for interchangeability groups of type one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many substitution).

If the XML document contains more than one interchangeability group the system repeats the outer loop with the HEADER_DATA.

The value of GROUP_NUMBER, in HEADER_DATA, must start with character '$.'

This is important to maintain the link between a particular group, its header data, header text data, item data, additional information, location data, and model assignment data. Since this XML document may contain data pertaining to several interchangeability groups, each loop starting with HEADER_DATA must contain a GROUP_NUMBER. Each of the attributes must have a different value starting with '$.'

If you want to maintain a one-to-many, many-to-one or many-to-many substitution you must:

Maintain the product combination number PRODUCT_COMBINATION_ID under PRECEDING_MEMBER and SUCCEEDING_MEMBER

Define a member type under the MEMTYPE element

Location-specific data must contain the location number under ITEM_NUMBER and LOCATION.

If you want to maintain location-specific data or additional information, you must maintain the ITEM_NUMBER. This is important in order to maintain the link between a relation, its cross-location data, location-specific data, and additional information.

The date and time must conform to the following format: YYYY-MM-DD and HH:MM:SS. Otherwise it will result in an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) exception.

If you want to change the interchangeability group, the GROUP_NUMBER, in HEADERDATA, must contain the group number that you want to change, and the value of UPDTFLG must be set to 'X.'


The variant for these reports must consist of the directory path where the XML files are stored on the application server. You can also add a model name to which the interchangeability groups should be assigned. If you do not specify a model, the groups are not assigned to any model.

Manual Upload

To manually upload your XML files, follow the steps below.

1. Save the XML file that you want to upload to the local server.

2. In the menu bar, choose System Services Reporting.

The Program Execution screen appears.

3. In the Program field enter /INCMD/GROUP_CREATE_VIA_UPLOAD and choose Execute.

The Upload of Interchangeability Groups screen appears.

4. If a variant is available, choose This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Get Variant... and select the variant you want to use.

If no variant is available, enter the path to the XML file that you want to upload.

5. If you want to save your entries as a variant, choose Goto Variants Save as Variant...

6. To display the log file after the upload has been executed, choose Display the Log.

To save the log file without displaying it, choose Save the Log.

7. Choose This graphic is explained in the accompanying textExecute.

8. To display the groups that have been uploaded, from the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Master Data Product and Location Interchangeability Master Data Maintain Interchangeability Group.

Upload via Background Job

This report must be integrated into a background job using a standard variant. If you do not specify a directory as a variant then an error message is sent to the log file and the job is terminated.

To upload your XML files using a background job, follow the steps below.

1. In the menu bar, choose System Services Reporting.

The Program Execution screen appears.

2. In the Program field enter /INCMD/GROUP_CREATE_VIA_BATCH and choose This graphic is explained in the accompanying textExecute.

The Upload of Interchangeability Groups screen appears.

3. If a variant is available, choose This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Get Variant... and select the variant you want to use.

If no variant is available, enter the path to the XML file that you want to upload.

If you do not specify a directory path, the system uses the DIR_HOME directory of the application server as the default directory.

4. If you want to save your entries as a variant, choose Goto Variants Save as Variant...

5. Choose This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Back .

6. Choose Background and schedule the background job.

7. To display the groups that have been uploaded, from the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Advanced Planning and Optimization Master Data Product and Location Interchangeability Master Data Maintain Interchangeability Group.

All logs are saved with application object INC. To analyze the application log, enter the application Object INC and Subobject GROUP_NUMBER along with the date parameters in the Analyze Application Log screen
