Below are frequently asked questions about Barnes & Noble. If you can't find what you're looking for, please send an email to and we will attempt to answer your question promptly.

General FAQs

Retail FAQs

General FAQs

  • Where is the company based?
  • In how many states do you operate? In what foreign countries does the company have operations or outlets?
  • How many people work for Barnes & Noble Inc.?
  • Do you franchise stores?

Where is the company based?

New York, NY.

In how many states do you operate? In what foreign countries does the company have operations or outlets?

As of 2019, the Company operated 627 retail bookstores in regional shopping malls, major strip centers and freestanding locations in 50 states.

How many people work for Barnes & Noble Inc.?

As of 2019, the Company employed approximately 23,000 employees.

Do you franchise stores?

Barnes & Noble, Inc wholly owns all our stores. We do not have plans to offer franchise opportunities in the future.

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Retail FAQs

  • What discounts do your stores offer?
  • Why are your online prices usually lower?
  • What is the Barnes & Noble Member Program?
  • What is the Barnes & Noble Kids' Club™ Program?
  • What is the Barnes & Noble Educator Program?

What discounts do your stores offer?

Barnes & Noble was the first bookseller to offer deep discounts. We offer:

  • 30% off hardcover bestsellers;
  • 20% discount on the books picked for our Discover Great New Writers™ program;
  • Thousands of publisher's remainders or overstocks, which are offered at prices up to 80% lower than original publisher list prices.

Why are your online prices usually lower?

The online marketplace for books is very competitive. As such, we extend greater discounts to our customers in order to remain competitive. Research has shown that customers that shop at both stores and online are more loyal and are greater spenders. By keeping the sale "in the family," we strengthen our long-term business.

What is the Barnes & Noble Member Program?

Barnes & Noble Members receive free express shipping on all orders; 40% off the list price on hardcover fiction and non-fiction Barnes & Noble store bestsellers; and 10% off the B&N price of almost everything else in store. Plus, Members receive special offers and discounts throughout the year. New Members get a special sign-up bonus of $50 in coupons, delivered by email. The annual Membership fee is $25.

To join, just visit our stores or website at BN.COM/membership.

What is the Barnes & Noble Kids' Club™ Program?

The Barnes & Noble Kids' Club Program is free for adult participants with kids age 12 and under. Participants receive a $5 gift card reward (maximum 4 per year) for every $100 spent on kids' stuff online and in stores. In addition, each of the participants' eligible kids receive a gift for their birthdays—a free cupcake from our Café.

To join, just visit our stores or website at BN.COM/kidsclub.

What is the Barnes & Noble Educator Program?

The Barnes & Noble Educator Program is free for K-12 educators. Participants save 20% off list price on all eligible purchases for classroom use, online and in stores. Educators get up to 25% off during Educator Appreciation Days, as well as receive valuable email offers throughout the year and information on special Educator events.

To join, just visit our stores.

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